If a device ever goes missing or needs to be set up from scratch, the ability the unenroll a device from the MEM system is critical. Likewise, the ability to lock a device in real time can help alleviate security concerns if a device is missing or in an unexpected location.
You can factory reset (wipe) or lock a managed device at any time from the Samsara dashboard.
To lock or wipe the device:
From the Fleet menu, select
MEM > Mobile Devices.
From the action menu (...) for the device, Lock Device or perform a Factory Reset (wipe).
Locking a device locks the device screen immediately and requires the user to supply a password to unlock the device again if password policies have been set for the device.
Factoring resetting a device wipes all data on the device and unenrolls it from the MEM system. If you later need to recover a device after it has been enrolled, you must provision the device again through the dashboard and complete the required setup steps.
Monitor the action status. Samsara displays a notification in the bottom right hand corner of the screen when the action has executed successfully.