Use the Event Resolution Report (available from Safety ( ) > Event Resolution) to help you understand coaching event statuses as they go through the coaching pipeline. You can run reports to display events of a maximum duration up to one year. Use these reports to compare progress data for individual and group coaching of safety events.
This report does not include safety events detected by AI beta detection (see the AI Beta Feature Disclaimer for more information).
To help you monitor coaching progress, the report organizes coaching status by the following categories:
Unresolved: events in Needs Review, Needs Coaching, Needs Recognition coaching status
Resolved: events in Reviewed, Coached, and Recognized coaching status
Dismissed: events that have been dismissed by the coach that the coach determined needed no further action
By default, coaching status metrics display as a comparative percentage for each status during the last 30 days. Select View as: to view metrics by event count or use the date selector at the top of the report to narrow or widen the report scope for a specific date range, up to one year at a time. The report provides a summary of progress by status and coaching resolution behaviors:
Event Status Breakdown: Donut graph of coaching progress of all status categories and percentage for each category during the last six months. Hover over a chart segment for total event counts in the category.
If you use Video Sharing, select the Event Sharing chart to view the coaching status data by events that have been shared with and viewed by drivers.
Unresolved vs Resolved Events Over Time: Line chart trend of events in different parts of the coaching pipeline over time. Hover over the chart to view weekly metrics for dismissed, resolved, and unresolved events.
Tag or Coach Event Resolution Metrics: Breakdown of event statuses for each tag or coach.