After you Install a Dash Cam, you can configure camera settings to customize camera operation and functionality (Settings () Devices > Configuration > Cameras).
Settings can be configured to exclude safety events by location or can be applied to a specific driver. To apply the setting for your entire fleet, enable the setting from the Cameras Configuration. To apply the setting to a specific vehicle, see enable settings for individual vehicles. To auto-dismiss safety events at specific locations, edit the address properties (see Manage an Address for more information).
You can enable and modify the following settings from Cameras Configuration:
Inward-facing trip images are available in vehicles with all dual-facing cameras. Enable Driver-Facing Trip Images to display images of both the driver and road every few minutes. By default, this setting is disabled and displays only outward-facing images.
Camera ID facial recognition is supported with dual-facing dash cams. If you want to use dash cams to identify drivers, enable facial recognition.
Audio recording is supported by all dash cams and internal multi-cameras. By default, audio recording is disabled. If your state or municipality allows it, you can enable audio recording alongside video capture. Audio recording begins only after you enable this setting and does not apply to any previous historical footage.
For more information on the impact to your video storage capacity if you enable this setting, see Dash Cam Storage Capacity.
Dash cams models CM31 and CM32 continuously record video and audio based on Dash Cam Recording Logic and your configured settings. To modify dash cam settings to better suit the needs of your fleet, you can adjust the camera storage and video quality settings.
Your camera simultaneously records High Resolution Video (HRV) and Secondary Extended Video (SEV), a lower resolution video. Footage retrieval of HRV, SEV, and hyperlapse video is limited by the Dash Cam Storage Capacity. Video storage capacity reduces when you enable in-cab Audio Recording or install a Camera Connector.
By default, dash cams utilize Standard (highest quality) HRV storage. You can customize storage (Standard (default), Increased, Extended) to increase HRV capacity with a lower video quality. To preview the video quality, hover over the setting.
HRV footage is available for clips up to 1min in length. For clips longer than 1min, the hyperlapse functionality enables retrieval of up to 40min of sped-up footage.
To increase the hours of total camera video storage, you can allocate more storage to SEV, which reduces the video storage capacity of HRV. See Dash Cam Storage Capacity for more information on the impact of camera accessories or increasing allocated SEV storage capacity to video recording capacity.
For more information about your video library or to initiate a video request, see Video Retrieval.
By default, dash cams record for 10min after a trip ends. On CM3x series dash cams, with the Parking Mode setting enabled, the dash cam records both road-facing and inward-facing video for 1hr (default) beyond the standard 10min time. For example, a Recording Window setting of 1hr will record 1hr and 10min after a trip has ended. You can customize the Parking Mode recording time from 1hr to up to 12hrs in 1hr increments.
When you enable Parking Mode, audio is captured only if Audio Recording is enabled for the vehicle.
To meet the minimum criteria for automatic Harsh Event Detection and AI Event Detection, a vehicle must be on a trip; therefore, automatic detection of these events is disabled when the vehicle is in this mode. However, if footage is available, you can request the footage using Video Retrieval.
The vehicle battery will continue to power the dash cam after the vehicle is disabled. Therefore, Parking Mode is only recommended for vehicles with healthy batteries that are driven regularly. Longer recording times drain the battery at a faster rate than shorter recording times.
Cameras installed using the Camera Connector will work only if the third-party camera is configured in a way that permits power to the third-party camera after the vehicle has been turned off. Otherwise, the Samsara dash cam will record after the vehicle has been turned off, but cameras installed using the Camera Connector will not.
Administrators with explicit Live Stream permissions can initiate live stream for vehicles that are on active trips.
You can enable Live Streaming capabilities for your entire fleet or for specific vehicles. To view privacy considerations and instructions to configure the setting, see Live Streaming.
You can configure Dash Cam Settings, camera height, for your entire fleet or by individual vehicle. To edit the settings for an individual vehicle:
Select the Settings icon (
) at the bottom of your Fleet menu to view dashboard settings.
Within Fleet, select Safety.
Select Edit Individual Vehicles.
Search for a vehicle or group of vehicles or narrow the scope of the results with assigned vehicle tags, settings configurations (such as Distracted Driving Detection: On), or Vehicle Type (such as Heavy Duty).
Select one or more vehicles from the list and click Edit Vehicles.
Adjust the vehicle settings. Review Dash Camera Settings for more information on settings configurations.
Submit to save your changes.