If you retired a vehicle or you have a temporary rental vehicle for which you want to reuse a Vehicle Gateway (VG), you can move a VG between vehicles.
Each VG is associated with a single vehicle and reports GPS, sensor, diagnostic, and dash cam data to the Samsara dashboard. Because Samsara logs the current and historical readings associated with the paired vehicle, it is important to deactivate and retrieve all video footage from the VG before attempting to reuse it in another vehicle. After deactivating the VG, all data associated with the old vehicle will be preserved. This enables you to reset the configuration and save all new data to the new vehicle.
These instructions only apply to gateways that were previously-installed in another vehicle. Please use installation instructions for gateway installation and setup if you are installing a gateway for the first time.
Remove the Samsara gateway from the previous vehicle and install the VG on the new vehicle.
Select the Settings icon (
) at the bottom of your Fleet menu to view dashboard settings.
From within Devices, select Devices > Gateways.
Select the gateway you intend to deactivate. Note the gateway serial number associated with the vehicle so that you can reactivate the VG later in this workflow.
Select More Actions > Deactivate Gateway.
Click Deactivate to confirm the removal of the gateways from your dashboard.
Any data collected by that gateway is preserved under the original vehicle name.
Navigate to Activate Devices to reactivate the VG in your Samsara dashboard.
Use the serial number you copied earlier in this workflow.
(Optional) To rename the vehicle associated with the VG, see Configure your Vehicle Gateways.
You can now drive the vehicle. All driving, GPS, diagnostics, and maintenance data from this point forward will be saved to that vehicle.
To view unpaired vehicles, navigate to Overview (
) > Assets and use the Gateway filter to display devices with
No Gateway Paired